Saturday 2 August 2014

Love for lemons! (Part 1)

I've decided to split this post about lemons into two parts, one for the benefits of drinking lemon water and the other for the benefits of external application of this versatile fruit!

For the past couple of months, I've been incorporating lemons into both my diet and skincare routine, and I've been absolutely loving them! Every morning I've been drinking lemon water, and I find that this really helps me perk up for the day ahead. Also, because I know that this is such a healthy way to start my morning, I tend to eat healthier throughout the day, as I am motivated to continue on with the healthy pattern!

So, why are lemons so good for us internally?
  • Drinking lemon water in the morning is extremely beneficial for the body as it stimulates the digestive tract and makes the process of eliminating waste products from the body easier. Many people have issues with digestion, but even if you don't, this will ensure that you maintain a healthy gut, one of the key factors in achieving a healthy complexion!
  • Lemons are, of course, quite acidic. However, once they enter our systems they become more alkaline. This is great for balancing our pH systems. A lot of the food we consume can be quite acidic, so when we bring lemons into our system they can really help to neutralise this acidity.
  • Moving on to the more obvious reasons for drinking lemon water... lemons are full of important vitamins and minerals which are, of course, great for us internally! They are high in vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium and potassium. Incorporating lemons in to your daily diet will ensure that you maintain a strong immune system. Because of their high potassium content, they are also thought to help to lower blood pressure in those who suffer from high blood pressure.
  • Another great reason to drink lemon water is that it really helps with indigestion and heartburn. The next time you suffer from either of these ailments, drink some warm lemon water and you will feel instant relief.

My simple 'Good Morning' lemon drink

  • Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a glass
  • Fill half way with warm water (warm water is thought to further activate the nutrients in the lemon)
  • Top the drink off with cold water
  • Stir well, and enjoy!
Lemons are a simple, inexpensive way to boost your immunity and to cleanse and balance your system. I thought that this post was important to include as one of the main reasons people can suffer from acne or dull skin is because their insides are not happy. This drink is a great way to start your day. I like to drink this a couple of times a day to really reap the rewards of the lemony goodness!



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