Tuesday 7 October 2014

Food for Beautiful Skin: Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are one of my favourite healthy snacks to eat and they are also one of the most skin loving foods out there! This tasty and versatile vegetable is a delicious natural way to boost the health of your skin. Let's have a look at how incorporating sweet potato into your diet can help you to achieve a healthy complexion!

Sweet potatoes are packed with the anti-oxidant beta-carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in your body. One medium sweet potato provides your body with the complete recommended daily allowance of Vitamin A, which helps to keep skin smooth and soft. Beta-carotene also helps to internally protect your skin from sun damage cause by excessive UV exposure

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is great for the skin. It is involved in the production of collagen, keeping skin firm and helping it to maintain it's elasticity. Vitamin C also helps to accelerate wound healing, so if you suffer from acne, getting foods containing this vitamin into your diet will speed up the skin's recovery process.

Complex Carbohydrates
Sweet potato is a fantiastic source of complex carboydrates, which are the best form of fuel for the body! Eating complex carbs results in slower digestion, keeping you full for longer and ensuring that insulin levels do not spike, which can cause acne.

As well as being great great for controlling blood pressure, recovering muscles and giving us energy, potassium also has the ability to reduce swelling. This is great for anyone suffering from blemishes, rashes, or any kind of condition where the skin becomes irritated.

Anti-Stress vitamins and minerals
Vitamin C, Potassium, Iron, Manganese and Magnesium promote relaxation and all play a part in helping the body and mind to cope with stress. People often complain of stress being something that causes skin issues to flare up.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog post, when I'll be writing about my favourite way to eat sweet potato, with a delicious and simple recipe!



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